Public Paranoia, 2018

location: Stone Bell House, Cellar, Prague city center, CZ

year: 2018

title: Vice versa - our earth is their moon, our moon is their    
earth, curated by significant other 

curated by: significant other

festival: m3 art in space, Prague, CZ

text by: Laura Aman

coming soon...

photos by: Hynek Alt and Lisa Reitmeier

Penumbra, 2017

location: Kunstvereniging Diepenheim/Drawing Centre Diepenheim, NL

title: Penumbra

year: 2017

format:solo show

text by Alexandra Landré:

Art association Diepenheim proudly presents 'Penumbra' - the first solo exhibition of the German artist Lisa Reitmeier. The title 'Penumbra' is taken from the natural scientific phenomenon of the penumbra - a twilight area in which shadow and light can be observed at the same time. It is a dimension of transition that is at the same time a central subject in Reitmeier's artistic practice. The transition from living to dead material, the change from light to dark or a cherished object that dissolves into many separate ones components. The phenomenon of 'change' is examined with an open mind and translated into an idiosyncratic choice of material. Latex skins, tiles, found objects, translucent substances are part of Reitmeier's poetic sculptural installations. The exhibition merges new and existing work into scenes of a theatrical landscape in which the visitor is absorbed. 'Penumbra' is in itself a space of transition and turns the Art Association into a total installation.

photos by: Rik Klein Gotink and Max Reitmeier

blackening the impact, 2015

location: Rijksakademie van Beeldenen Kunsten, NL

time: 2015

format: RijksakademieOPEN, solo presentation

title: blackening the impact

text: coming soon

photos by: Max Reitmeier

ergot, 2014

location: Rijksakademie van beeldene kunsten, Amsterdam, NL

time: 2014

format: RijksakademieOPEN, solo presentation

text by: coming soon....

photos by: J. van Rooji, Max Reitmeier and Lisa Reitmeier

Sweetwater, 2013

location: former studio, Munich, DE 

format: the extensive installation is presenated in a monograph

catalogue: Sweetwater, published by Strzelecki Books, ISBN-13. 978-3942680400

time: 2013

text by: Berthold Reiß 

photo by: Max Reitmeier

o.T., 2012

location: studio munich, DE

time: 2012

format: dipolma presentation

photo by: Max Reitmeier

Fehlboden, 2013

location: gallery of GEDOK, Munich, DE

year: 2013

format: solo presenation and book release

monograph: Sweetwater, publisher: Streletzki Book, text by Berthold Reiß

photo by: Max Reitmeier

TOD, 2012

location: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Christliche Kunst, Munich, DE

year: 2012

title: TOD

format: group exhibition

curated by: Stephan Huber

photos by: Max Reitmeier

hide the magical heal the defeated, 2017

location: old villa in Diest, BE

time: 2017

title: Occasionele Ontmoeting

format: group show

curated by:   Maria Droogmans and Elke Patteet

o.T. (vitrine), 2010

location:barracks of the Messner Mountain Museum, Monte Rite, IT
         privat collection

format: Ultima Vista, group exhibition


curated by: Stephan Huber

photo by: Max Reitmeier

works on paper, 2006- now

here you can find a selection of drawings,

as a small sequence of series, single or part of installations

photos by: Max Reitmeier

Scherung 2008

Scherung 2008

---->Duo show with Julia Emslander at Muenchner Bank in Munich, curated by lovely Dr. Sonja Lechner

16th of May, 17:30

--------->nice text by Silvie Aigner for Parnass online




more news coming up soon....

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